Ministries & Offices +Community

Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

Annette Roth, Diocesan President
[email protected] 

Let us know what spiritual, educational, and service resources you are interested in by filling out this survey and returning to Annette Roth by using the email above.

"Bringing women closer to Christ, through Mary."

The mission of the Columbus Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is to promote the dignity and vocation of women, to lead women in the development of their faith life, and to encourage works of charity within their family, place of work, parish and Diocesan community.  We are the Diocesan level of the National Council of Catholic Women.

NCCW Mission Statement

The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its membership to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.

Saint Teresa Award Professional Photos are available.
Click here to view and download the photos.

Upcoming Events in 2024 and early 2025

November 23rd Columbus DCCW Board Meeting  
10 am - 12 pm at the Diocesan Office, all women are invited. Please contact Annette Roth at [email protected]  or call (740) 701-0610 so that we can plan for you.  

January 25th, 2025 Tentative: Estate Planning Workshop
9 am - 2 pm at Sts. Augustine & Gabriel, 1550 E. Hudson St. Columbus, OH 43211.  More information to be announced.  If interested, please contact Annette Roth at [email protected] or call (740) 701-0610.

February 8th, 2025 Columbus DCCW Board Meeting  
10 am – 12 pm at the Diocesan Office, all women are invited. Please contact Annette Roth at  [email protected]  or call (740) 701-0610 so that we can plan for you.  

February 15th:  Plan to attend the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference. Ohio State Fairgrounds. Register online at

March 21st -23rd Tentative: DCCW Lenten Retreat; Friday evening through Sunday Morning ending at Noon at the Bergamo Center, 4400 Shakertown Rd., Dayton, OH 45330. Space is limited. More information is forthcoming. Please forward inquiries to [email protected] or call Annette at (740) 701-0610.

2024 St Teresa Award for Compassion, Charity and Service Award Recipients. This event was a collaboration of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference, and the Daughters of Isabella.

Southern Area Deanery bus to the 2024 Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference.